Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A good days work

We knocked up the foundations, floor and frame for the garden shed/compost toilet in a day - we felt like superheroes. I managed to keep my cool for once accepting that my beautiful loving wife is all the help and support I need. Love you Tara.

Anyway, the ground has more of a slope than I thought but the shed (although it doesn't look like it) has a naturally flat path leading to it - much easier for Liam to navigate.

Next time I will hang a tyre swing and get the pier foundations in, so the kids aren't to bored?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


My beautiful partner and I brought a lovely 5 acre plot in Denver (between Daylesford and Mamsbury) in late 2009, with a the idea to build our dream home - if not a summer retreat for school holidays etc...